Life As A Theatre Kid

A Random Theatre

A Random Theatre

Kelsey Shull, Contributor

When Greta Scacchi said, “Theater is a sacred space for actors. You are responsible; you are in the driving-seat.”, she didn’t know she would be where she is now. A lot of actors, singers, musicians, etc. started their careers by doing theatre. It can take you to amazing places in life, I think everyone should at least try theatre once in their life. There are so many reasons why it’s amazing.


I love theatre because you meet amazing, hilarious people that can help you come out of your comfort zone. I also enjoy that you can be weird and not get judged for it. I like playing a character because you can make risky choices to see how people will react. I know it helped me a lot with my self-esteem and I felt really included. It can also be really really funny, but it does take a lot of work to be an actor/actress.


Now it does take a lot of determination, dedication, and energy to be an actor. Even for a super small show/play to huge long musical. You have to learn lines, sometimes choreography, blocking, etc. You have to be able to take criticism well because doing theatre we’ll get lots of constructive criticism. To be in theatre you have to do a lot more than just acting. Other things you have to do include costume and stage design which is a lot harder than it sounds.


Costume and stage design is one of the most important jobs in a theatre production, it can make or break a show. You have to be able to pay close attention to detail, be able to make it full out and not be lazily made. Probably the most important thing about both costume and stage design is creativity. Stage/costume design may seem like a boring job but it’s not if you like arts and crafts you’d like the job. You can also do the job if you’re too nervous to be on stage and actually perform in the show in front of a crowd.


So, the most important thing in theatre is to have confidence. I started doing theatre last year as a six grader and since then this will be my THIRD performance. I think you should at least try theatre, whether it’s doing a show, a workshop, or a class at least once. Theatre is awesome. For example, in my theatre class we did fake wounds. It was A LOT of fun. Also, if you’re not sure about trying theatre, you could come watch me in “The Audition” on October 29th at 7 pm at EMS and October 30th at 5:30 pm again at EMS! If you want to learn more about the arts check out theater | Definition, History, Styles, & Facts.