
January 20, 2022
Did you know that over 471 million people own a dog in the world and that more than 900 million dogs are in the world? By reading this story I hope you will leave knowing a lot more about dogs.
Let’s get started with different types of dog breeds. There are between 390 and 400 different types of breeds in the world right now in 2021. The most common dog since 2003 is a Labrador retriever. The rarest dog breed is a Norwegian Lundehund. It is the rarest dog because it has unique characteristics which aren’t shared by any other breed.
The next topic is dogs that were in the army. Training takes time army dogs are trained for 4 to 7 months in basic skills before they are officially called army dogs. The U.S military uses the dogs to help them with tracking, explosive detection, patrol, search and rescue, and attack. Army dogs retire after 10 to 12 years of serving and helping the U.S military.
The last topic is going to be Service dogs. There are 8 types of service dogs. Autism Service Dogs, Hearing Dogs, Diabetic Alert Dogs, Seizure Response Dogs, Guide Dogs, Allergy Detection Dogs, Mobility Assistance Dogs, and PTSD Service Dogs. The most popular service dogs are Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers because they are easy to train. They start to be service dogs at age 2 and work for 8 years and they retire when they are 10 years old.
I chose this topic because my favorite animal is a dog. I also want people to know more about dogs. OK, that is all I have for you about dogs but if you want to know more about dogs then click this link.