Things In Amadou’s Backpack

Picture of Amadou
April 5, 2022
Have you ever wanted to know the things inside an important character’s backpack? I definitely have so I figured I would write a couple things down that I actually found in his backpack!! There are some pretty cool things that I remember from the book.
The first thing that I found in Amadou’s backpack was a medicine kit. The reason he had a medicine kit in his bag was for Seydou. He needed antibiotics so that he didn’t die of pain from his arm that got cut off. They don’t know how to read so they don’t really know what they were giving him but whatever it was worked so they gave him a pill every few hours. They also had big bandages and tape to go around his stumb to keep it clean. But I could only change it so often because there wasn’t very much of it.
The second thing that I found in his backpack was obviously some water but not much of it because they don’t have the resources to have a lot of water and the water runs out pretty fast just because they’re walking a lot in the heat and you need to stay hydrated. Also, it’s not just Amadou drinking the water, it is Seydou and Khadija too. Another thing that is also not good is the water isn’t purified or clean so the water they were drinking could be getting them sick.
The third thing that I found in his backpack was a Machete. He had this in his backpack because they had to harvest cacao pods/seeds. And just in case they ran into the leaders of the farm that abused them. It was very important to have a machete because you never knew when you were going to need it. Amadou always held his machete tight in his hand to make sure he wouldn’t drop it , leave it somewhere, or have someone steal it out of his hand.
The fourth thing that I found in his backpack was some papaya. Papaya is a type of spice that people use for cooking. But it’s not only used for cooking, people use it for many other things. Like for example some people when they don’t have the needed resources they use it for medicine. So papaya helped Seydou with his arm.
The last thing that I found in Amadou’s backpacks was a picture of Seydou. There was a picture of Seydou in his backpack because Seydou is the reason he wakes up every morning. He’s the reason why he hasn’t killed himself. He means the world to Amadou and Amadou wouldn’t want him to get hurt and Seydou needs him.
There are just a few things that I found there were so many more things but I felt like those were the most important and meant a lot to Amadou. I can’t even imagine being in his position having to take care of basically two people. It really is impressive and a lot of work.