Milford Lake Cross Country Meet


Cross Country preparing for meet

Jared Johnson, Jr. Reporter

Have you ever ran a cross country race. If you have run in a cross country race, you would know where these people are coming from.
At the meet in Milfered Lake, it was kinda cold and it was really rainy, but that wouldn’t stop these people from getting their PR’s “Personal Records”. But two people really stuck out. Their names were Keith Dix and Eli Hauff. They crushed their PR’s.
Keith is one of EMS’s faster runners. He is super fast, and he always tries his best and he tries his best to show up to practice even though he has to deal with his school work and things at home. Keith was nervous and excited at the league meet because that was the big meet. Also, he felt happy during the race because he was doing good even though it was cold. Finally, he would have liked to pace himself better.
Eli Hauff was another person I interviewed. He has improved so much during the season. Eli was also nervous and he had a weird feeling in his stomach. During the race, he was tired and cold, he was wondering how he would do. Finally, he wished he would have had a stronger start and to pace himself better.
Overall, they both did great and it was super fun interviewing them both and it was cool learning about their perspectives of the meet. They both had similar answers, I would have the same answers if I was interviewing myself. It was the biggest meet of the season because if we won the whole team would go to state. Finally, we got third in the meet.