Teen’s Insider to Books

Pictured above is Emma Weast.

There are many great books out there, and many of them aren’t talked about from a teenagers perspective, but a critic’s perspective. I asked Emma Weast about her perspective on some popular series of books, and maybe you might just read them.

Rick Riordan Books:


What is your favorite Rick Riordan series?


“Heroes of Olympus because it has really good characters and it has a topic I like which is mythology.”


Would you recommend any Rick Riordan books to teenagers?


“Yes, but it depends on what you like to read. Rick Riordan writes about a lot of mythology books.”


Have you seen the Percy Jackson movies? On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being perfect, how would you rate the movies on how close they were to the books?


“Yes, I have seen them and I would rate them a 10 because they don’t even have the same idea as the books! They are horrible, I would not recommend them to anyone who has read the books. Save yourself the suffering.”


Harry Potter Books:


Do you like Harry Potter? Would you recommend it? Why?


“Yes, I would recommend it but it takes a long time to read. I would recommend it because it has a really good plot and the story overall is good.”


What is your favorite book out of the series? Why?


“The Goblet of Fire (4th book) because I just like it a lot, it has a good storyline and reading about the Triwizard Tournament is fun.”


Have you seen the Harry Potter movies? On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being perfect, how would you rate the movies on how close they were to the books?


“I have seen all of the movies and I would rate them a 5 because they leave out a lot of stuff, though it is mainly because the books are really long and you can’t fit every detail in the movies.”


The Hunger Games Books:


Have you seen the Hunger Games movies? On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being perfect, how would you rate the movies on how close they were to the books?


“I have seen them and, I would rate them a 3 because they follow the book, but leave out some details.”


Do you think that parents should allow their teens to read these books? Why?


“It depends on the person, because some parents don’t like violence and others are cool with it. I think that later teens should be allowed to read them, but it really depends on the person, parents, and their interests.”


Do you think that most teenagers can handle the difficult topics?


“It really depends on the person and how mentally strong they are. Some people can read that type of violence but others can’t handle it.”


Emma Weast really seemed to have enjoyed all of these books, and would recommend them to teenagers! She was very happy to answer my questions, and did so honestly. Many book reviews online are put on by adults so they aren’t very helpful to teenagers. Emma Weast hopefully helped you out by answering some questions about popular series from a teen’s perspective.


Below, I have listed the links to the authors of the series talked about below.







