Endangered Animals

This is a Snow Leopard and there are only 4,080-6,590 left in the wild

This is a Snow Leopard and there are only 4,080-6,590 left in the wild

Emily Spellman, Editor

    Did you know that there are 41,415 endangered species in the world? How can we help them? I am going to tell you about some of the endangered animals that could use our help.

    This first animal is the Snow Leopard. The reason they are dying is because Overgrazing Livestock are taking over their habitat. And people are hunting them for trade. In fact, In a span of eight years there were 220-450 killed for trade. We can help by doing small things like picking up trash because that would be interfering with their ecosystem. People can also help by not  killing or capturing animals from their habitat because without some of those other animals the snow leopard population will die. Some fun facts about Snow Leopards is that they can’t roar at all. They can give out a large almost screech that can be louder than the rage of a river. 


    Another animal that is endangered is the Elephant. In the next decade they could be extinct. Their numbers have dropped over 50%. The reason they are going extinct is because Poachers are trying to kill African elephants for their meat, body parts, and ivory. There are only 400,000 left in the world.  Their Tusks are very valuable because they are made of ivory and lots of elephants are killed just for their tusks because they are sold illegally and people are trying to put an end to this. Another way to help them is that we are taking over their habitat, In the span of 11 years humans took over 30% of their habitat. Fun fact, did you know that Elephants are the largest land animals. The calves can also weigh up to 120kg. Which is heavier than 255 pounds. That is the weight of a little over 30 gallons of water. 


    The third animal that I am going to tell you about is a Whale Shark. They are the largest shark. They can be about 40 feet long. They can weigh about 11 tons. They live in the tropical oceans and many tourists like to see whale sharks on their snorkeling trips. The main reason they are being hunted is because of the oils in their livers. The oils are being used to make boats waterproof and to get their meat. Another way that they are killed is for certain parts of the world people like to eat shark fin soup and people will cut off their fin and throw the animal back in the ocean to die. In the oceans, scientists can identify over 450 different Whale sharks from their spots. They have unique spots on them almost like a human fingerprint. A fun fact about Whale Sharks is that there have been reports saying that people have seen over 15m long, that is  triple the average size of a whale shark. 


     The Last animal that I am going to talk about is a Blue Whale. They can weigh up to 200 tons. Which is about 33 elephants. They are one of the biggest animals in the ocean. Their average length is 80-100. Their hearts are the size of a volkswagen. They eat about four tons of food a day. Their stomachs can also hold 1 ton of krill. Blue whales have very few predators. They only get attacked by Selachimorpho or sharks and Orcinus Orca or Killer Whales; they can also get killed or hurt from impacts from substantially large ships. 


These animals need your help. You can help by volunteering to help pick up trash. Or make sure that you recycle things that can be recycled. People can help save all these animals from going extinct. For more information you can go to these Websites.


Snow Leopard Population
Snow Leopard Poaching
Helping Snow Leopards
Helping Snow Leopards 2
Snow Leopard Fun Facts

Elephant Population
Helping Elephants
Elephant Facts

Whale Shark Information
Whale Shark Risk and Fact

Blue Whale Information
Blue Whale Facts